Dreams Does anyone have really weird dreams?? :spangled: I swear, lately Ive been dreaming about crazy stuff and its doing my head in. :bang: I dream Im Harry Potter, Im pregnant with an alien ( :wtf: ), that theres a tidal wave coming to wipe Shields out :spangled: I had a dream that me & Play were smoking dope in his room, but the house had no walls and overlooked a cliff or something. So crazy. Keeps me up at night aswell. I havent even been caining it lately I need me head sorting out
Re: Dreams i cud of told u that!!! i dont remember any of the dreams i hav, i know i dream bout stuff but when i wake up i cant remember wot they were about. nothin ever freaky or wierd tho, well i dont think anyway!!!
Re: Dreams Thats not a dream thats a nightmare. :laugh: If its any consolation i have recurring dreams that im a swan. :wtf: Anyone got a dream book thing, what the hell does that mean?
i have very wierd dreams all the time, some can be far too wierd for my liking. mine normally link in to things i have seen, thought about or been watching on TV
i had a dream about pick n mix the toher night...if u bought som uch u got the same weight free but the woman in the shop was obsessed with jelly teddys telling me i should buy them but there was hardly any in the tubs & they were all scabby... i also had a dream that my mate was trying to set someone up for a drugs bust, & when the police were at this blokes house he planted a massive block of dope in his garden so he would get sent down for longer...i thought it was a waste! then last night i had a dream about nasty russian who was scarey & mean!
I had a dream once that I was mugged and the bloke was hitting me on the head with a hammer Woke up crying And I hate it when I dream that theres someone in my room. Im fucking petrified!!! :evil:
not a dream but i keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking stu is there next to me, like move mmy arm to the other side to see if he is lol tis weird
i used to have dreams about witches coming out of my walls & also crocodiles eating my feet! when i was a kid i also had dreams where i was being chased along my road but then if i jumped so high i wud start to fly! was kinda scarey but cool as at the same time, i can't watch violent progs b4 i go 2 sleep cos i tend to dream about the nasty men taking my whole family away & making me decide what order they r to b killed in in front of me!
Your dreams are quite scary ruth Yeah me and Stephen do that, on the rare occassion we dont sleep together. It well weird. :spangled:
Re: Re: Dreams Swan To see a swan in a lake or pond, is a good omen, signaling a future of prestige and wealth. Swans are symbolic of grace, beauty, and dignity. from: http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/s4.htm My mum is scarily accurate when she dreams, mine are accurate now and again. That website is worth checking out now and again.
when stu stays at mine n i go to work the odd day he says he always wakes up n thinks im still there its always nice sleeping with your bf or gf