Ouch! Hope everything goes better... Why not see what p/t courses are on at the colleges? I'm doing a course in telematics at the moment, and gonna start studying law on the side this september. All education/training is better than nowt. Good luck with job hunting
dont worry darl well chuck, i wouldnt worry about it too much it sound like you are a skivvy anyway! if itsnot what you wanted to do anyway its no loss is it? you should look for some work a bit higher up, go to an employment agency, and they can usually sort stuff out for you like cv writing, interview skills etc. if you havent already try and get some information on some evening courses to brush up skills you havent used for a while it usually sounds good in an interview situation. things to spell out to employers are attention to detail, timekeeping commitment improving business delivering results and when you do get an interview wear something like a bright tie or shirt that makes you remembered, most of all you want them to remember your enthusiasm and skills, but every little helps x good luck
That sucks mate. Don't worry too much bout what ur last job said. They probably just needed to cut back n its easier to layoff the probationer. I know what its like, ive just got a flat again in nucastle but i dont have a job yet. :spangled: Startin to worri now. heh heh.
aw thats bad shit nass soz to hear about your job. why dont you try factory work for a temporay period until you find something better. get bored during to day come and see me and stew x