cv's! what a pain in the arse! and we have to fit all information on one side of a4 - wtf! its a right battle.. fackin teacher!
Thats well harsh. Three is the maximum and I struggle to fit it onto that. I cud never fit it on one side.
speaking of cv's, any1 know any good sites where they have templates for them? i think mine is shit an wanna see how 'professionals' do it...
its what im thinking.. its to go next to our exhibition tho.. not for job applications... which is wierd... having to write a cover letter when were not applying for anything... :spangled: bollocks to it.. get on with my biz cards...
my dad works in the city and got his company HR to 'vet' mine... could email it? shouldn't be anymore than 2 pages maximum... people loose interest- cv's are used for shortlisting so they will only skim through... also if youve been through higher or further education you shouldnt have more than 5 jobs listed... dont list your qualifications individually... short and sweet... and full of lies
that'd be great if you could mate... you got my email addy? then i can tell my dad i haven't just been sitting in the sun all day!
@ people struggling with CV's ! And some of you's go to Uni ?!?! Whoever said one page is talking out there back eye, if you have a history of jobs and numerous quilifications like me then its blatantly going to be over 1/2/3 pages - it looks better IMO !
pah, what sun like?? hate cvs, i feel like i have to hand a updated one in every semester...grrr, why??!! xx
im @ uni but im an illiterate cretin u know that john nah its mad.. its a half/cv/summary or sum bollox... hard to squeeze it all in
i've only done one at school an they were well strict about how its the 1st impression an has to look good etc... either worked for the same agencies or my dad since then so had no reason to do one!
ill email u what i have now... its still with him... told him i need him to send it back asap but just asked to borrow loads of $$$ for glastonbury so i dont want to push my luck..
if i put all the jobs ive had down in the last 6 years itd easily cover 5 pages... just lie and fill in the gaps with the more 'respectable' ones... handy if your mates from the job have since become supervisors or managers CVs only get skimmed over for shortlisting... short and sweet.. no one wants to read your life story when they've got 6,000+ applications to deal with...
Yeah its all about putting on the stuff most relevant to the job you're applying for. You don't have to put on evey job you've ever had
just got my cv back from my dad... nicely squeezed down into 1 page... apparently there should only be one paragrah in the entire thing, introducing who you are and 'where you want to go' ... he said he will look at a cv for less than 15 seconds on average so you have to make an impression.. spare the descriptions for when you get an interview... employers just want to see what you have and in the shortest time possible..