Bars: 24 hour opening Rumour has it that some bars in Newcastle may soon be open 24 hours? What do people think?
Re: Bars: 24 hour opening load of bullshit. The bastarding party that is ruling this country put 24 hour licensing in their manifesto for the last two general elections. And the progress? Sweet fuck all. The only concession so far has been since 1999 with the 36 hour licensed period between 11am on dec 31st and 11pm jan 1st. The magistrates in Newcastle are also VERY backward with their views on licensing. They could choose certain areas to have local extensions but don't. Party City my arse. Best bet - find a local that is sweet with the polis The armed response unit and the traffic police were just down the road from me, and they always came in for late ones. And turned a blind eye to my 8am closing times Anyways, the 24 hour licensing is just an empty promise at the moment. The only time it is mentioned is to try and keep sweet with the licensed trade. So don't keep your hopes up.
Even if pubs were allowed to stay open 24 hours, there would hardly be any that bother. You would just get the odd one or two open, and you can imagine the bizzare mix of people you would get in!
these licensing laws we live under have been in effect since ww2 well over half a century the pubs should be allowed to stay open as long as they want
but that'd happen for mebbes the 1st few weeks, then people would get boredof it... an there are quite a few places about that open 24hours now like rileys for example... (not selling alcohol after 11pm obviously)
24 hour drinking in newcastle particuarly would be pointless... jus be full of tramps/ taxi drivers/ chefs... scotland has 24 hour bars doesnt it? in the refinery/rig towns on the coast?
does that mean shitty bigg market djs get to do marathon sets comprising of cheese,chedder and ian val daul?
You would think 24 hours worth of drinking time would spell disaster for Newcastle but the thing is, instead of the streets being full of piss-heads at 11 and then again at 2, it means people would leave in dribs and drabs all night.
arent the laws taken off at new year?? could be wrong but I work in a bar & sure my boss sed sumthing about him bein able to stay open as long as he wants at new year?!? then again tho....... it was at a staff meeting & i wasnt really listening its alrite at new year/ xmas but itd b pointless all the time, turn the nation into a load of pissheads
forget muppet comment, thought you were scruf, similar avatar you see... I'm a I'm also all for a similar licensing policy to Germany - most pubs and bars there can stay open up til 3am, there's nee bother on the streets, 'cos everyone else buggers off beforehand. Lightweights.