haven’t got it but if you can get blue yonder broadband then I would highly recommend getting that instead mate!!!
I have freeserve broadband. My lass has blue yonder she hasnt been able to get online for almost a month now.
Has she tried the, "InstallationAssistantJVM.exe", it's Blueyonder's support tool, it's supposed to be able to diagnose internet faults. I aint had to use it yet myself but it may help. You can download it from their website. I'll email it to you if you like...
I've had it since it all began when it was cableinet and now blueyonder, well over 2 years and I've never had a problem but then again I do live close to where they're based!
Ive got it and it was'nt working on Sat!! i think they want u 2 reinstall the newer version, cos i dont have the same 1 i had on sat now! Its more spruced up now.
i'm the lass with the net problem with blue yonder, i've finally got online jus afta about a sodden month of not being online, but it keeps fukin disconnecting me. its bastard shite !!!!